What does Mariaville Lake Do for You?
- Provide recreation for your family and friends with swimming, boating, fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling, and other recreational activities?
- Provide a scenic view that enhances the value of your property?
- Provide the volunteer fire department with water for fighting fires?
- Supply water for your household or garden?
- If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, then you can help share in the responsibility for the preservation of this very vital asset of the community, by becoming part of the Mariaville Civic Association.
A new membership directory will be created and available by the annual meeting in July. All memberships must be received by June 15th to be included in the directory. Please mark if you do not want your number to be listed in the directory.
A special thank you to all our members who through their volunteer and financial efforts have make it possible to enjoy our lake. The old timers here will remember when we faced losing it. But through the efforts of the MCA who has continued to maintain and comply with DEC requirements, today we all continue to enjoy and benefit from having a lake in Mariaville. If you are not a member we hope you will please consider joining and become part of this grear organization.
Memberships are on an annual basis and membership forms are mailed in January each year and are available on this web site. Association activities include:
- Dam maintenance and inspections to comply with DEC requirements
- Boat launch maintenance
- Bi-weekly monitoring of lake water (CSLAP Program)
- Insurances on the lake, dam, launch and volunteers
- Weed Mats for shoreline weed control
- Lake Management Inservice through NYS Federation of Lakes
- Secure Permits for Weed Harvesting
- Participation in Adopt-A- Highway Program spring and fall
- Publishing newsletters for members
- Sponsoring Community events
- Property Taxes for Dam
In 2015, CSLAP created a lake report, scorecard, and Q&A for Mariaville Lake. Those documents can be found below. The MCA strongly encourages participation in the CSLAP online data entry program. For more information about the program, contact Lou Feeney at help@cslapdata.org.